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Imagefast helping LIMOSS support the Structured data Capture market solution

LIMOSS provide the online service Structured Data Capture (SDC) to the Lloyd’s Market, a service that converts the content of Market Reform Contract (MRC) documents into consistent, electronic data during the risk placement process, which can then be consumed by any IT system where the data is usually re-keyed.

Due to the complexity of the SDC solution which includes Azure cloud hosting, third party applications, bespoke developments and integrations with other insurance platforms, LIMOSS needed a partner who had expertise in supporting market solutions and the all round technical knowledge to help support and improve the service.

“Imagefast are a very proactive partner to LIMOSS, and their support team have a good technical and market knowledge which has proved a valuable asset in providing the SDC service to the market. “

Imagefast were chosen by SDC and helped implement a planned approach to support of the SDC solution, including developing out a standard operating model, daily service checks and automated alerting to issues, as well as providing technical assistance and support for the SDC service. Imagefast London based support team work hand in hand with LIMOSS ServiceDesk providing level 2 and level 3 support of the solution as well as managing interaction and support with other third party vendors.

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